Max Klammer

Frontend Developer by Passion


Over the years, I have worked on many projects, big and small. Not all of them have made it to this list. I hope you have as much fun scrolling through them as I had building them.

Sorting Visualizer

While I was trying to get better at algorithms I wanted to create a project to help me remember and visualize how the sorting algorithms work.

  • React
  • Algorithms
  • Chakra UI
  • TypeScript

Inception: This Website

Believe it or not, but I also built this website 😆.

I had a lot of fun building this site. I used Typescript, React, and Gatsby as core technologies. I also used the headless CMS to host the content of this website.

I thought this website would make a good use case for experimenting with Static Site Generation. I was delighted with the results, and I encourage you to run a Lighthouse test on this page.

  • Headless CMS
  • Serverless
  • Gatsby
  • React
  • TypeScript

Check your Face

A tiny website I quickly hacked together to check how I look before entering a zoom call. You get one last moment to fix your hair without getting up. 😁 💇‍♂️

Inspired by an idea of Wes Bos. 🥳

  • TypeScript
  • React

Slick's Slices

This is Slick's Slices! It was the first project I built using Gatsby (a React Static Site Generator). This project was the final product of a course I did to learn Static Site Generation. I wrote the CSS using a popular CSS-in-JS library called styled-components.

The content is fully customizable in a headless CMS called Sanity. Every time the content changes, a hook is triggered, and Netlify generates a new version of the website. The "Order Now!" page uses serverless functions to validate the order server-side once a user submits an order.

  • Headless CMS
  • Serverless
  • Static Site Generation
  • React
  • Gatsby