Max Klammer

Frontend Developer by Passion

Advanced TypeScript: Guards and Type Predicates

Advanced TypeScript: Guards and Type Predicates

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TypeScript is amazing in inferring what the type of a given object is. However, sometimes we pass more generic types like Animal to a function, but d then in the function we access properties that are not on all permutaion of Animal. We can use guards to make sure that we are operating on an object with all the required properties.

The Problem

Consider a function or component that takes in two types of objects. The function needs to do something specific depending on the type of object that you passed it. Check out this example, for instance.

interface Dog {
__type: "dog";
name: string;
woof: () => void;
interface Cat {
__type: "cat";
name: string;
mew: () => void;
type Animal = Cat | Dog;
const kitty: Cat = {
__type: "cat",
name: "Kitty",
mew: () => console.log("Mewwwewew!"),
const andi: Dog = {
__type: "dog",
name: "Andi",
woof: () => console.log("Woof!"),
function makeSound(animal: Animal) {
if (animal.mew) {
// Error: Property 'mew' does not exist on type 'Animal'. Property 'mew' does not exist on type 'Dog.
} else {
makeSound(kitty); // Mewwwewew!

The makeSound function can be applied to any animal. If we do not check for the type of object, we can not be sure that the animal passed in is a Cat or a Dog. In Vanilla JavaScript, we would ensure that the property is on the object. We can check it animal.mew is truthy, and if that is the case, we know the animal can "mew". In all other cases, we know that the animal can "woof". Unfortunately, TypeScript is not happy with this implementation, and it will throw an error. In TypeScript, you can only access members guaranteed to be in all the constituents of a union type. In the union type Animal, not every type has the property mew. Therefore, we get the following error.

Property 'mew' does not exist on type 'Animal'.
Property 'mew' does not exist on type 'Dog.

There are a couple of solutions to this problem. In this blog post, we will focus on the in keyword and Type Predicates.

Solution 1: Using the in Keyword

The in keyword can rescue us from this situation. It is a particular keyword that is super simple to use. The solution looks very similar to Vanilla JS.

function makeSound(animal: Animal) {
if ("mew" in animal) {
} else {

We are doing the same check on the property: we are checking if the mew is “in” the animal and if not, we assume it is a dog.

Solution 2: Type Predicates

Another option is using type predicates. A “predicate” is a function with a single parameter that returns either true or false. We can define a function that checks if the passed object is a dog or a cat and returns a boolean value.

function isDog(animal: Animal): animal is Dog {
return animal.__type === "dog";
function isCat(animal: Animal): animal is Cat {
return animal.__type === "cat";
function makeSound(animal: Animal) {
if (isCat(animal)) {
} else {

We can create a new function called isDog or isCat, and they will return a type predicate. The type predicate takes the form of parameterName is Type where the parameter is a parameter of the current type. Notice that we only need to check if the passed object is a cat. TypeScript will infer automatically that if it is not a cat, it must be a dog. Guards using type predicates have one downside in my experience. They assume that there is one common property on all objects of type Animal that we can use to differentiate between them. Assume that only Cat had the property __type. TypeScript will throw an error in the guard function because you can only access members guaranteed to be in all the constituents of a union type.


I find that both solutions have some advantages and disadvantages. I like the simplicity of the in operator. I can see cases where you cannot define all the types yourself, and you cannot have a differentiating property like __type, but if you can define all the types, you might as well be specific and use a type predicate to catch all cases.